While we all feel sad at times there is a difference between feeling sad or low and being depressed. The resources on this page will help you learn the differences between the two and how to manage depression. Remember it's okay to ask for help. You are not alone.

Click on the pic to find out the difference between feeling sad and experiencing depression

7 things to know about depression
To find out all about depression, please click the pic.
Depression and exercise: there is plenty of scientific evidence to suggest exercise can help treat depression. Click on the pic to find out more about how little exercise it takes per week to get the benefits.
Mood mission: An app to help you manage low mood or depression

Thoughts, feelings, behaviour: they are all connected. Watch the video to see how you can change negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours into something different
Moodspace is an awesome app for helping you to manage your thoughts and feelings. Click the pic for more info.
SELF-CARE is really important for beating depression. Click the pic for 10 ideas on how to do it.
Meditation has been found to be really helpful in dealing with depression. Click the pic for a 10 minute meditation to try out.