mindfulness and meditation
Practicing meditation and/or mindfulness is a great way to calm your mind if you're experiencing big emotions, give you some peace after a busy day, prepare for a big day, or help you to stay calm when all around you is not.
What is meditation? Meditation isn’t about becoming a different person, a new person, or even a better person. It’s about training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to better understand them as well.

What is mindfulness?Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. Mindfulness helps us put some space between ourselves and our reactions, so we respond to things going on around us or to us instead of reacting and potentially saying or doing something hurtful.

or, this 1 minute meditation
Try this 5 minute meditation
or even this 5 minute mindfulness body scan
To find out how to use mindfulness in everyday life, just click the pic.
Using meditation and mindfulness does amazing things to your brain. To hear about the science click on the picture.

An app for meditation and mindfulness. It only takes 10 minutes a day to reap the benefits

Slowing your breathing down is the quickest and easiest way to calm yourself. Try the square breathing technique here next time your feeling anxious, angry or upset.
Mindful listening: asks you to close your eyes and pay attention to all of the different sounds around you. Try the activity above to get an idea of this easy practice.

Mindful Observation exercise:
Choose a natural object in your immediate environment and focus on watching it for a minute.
Don't do anything except notice the thing you're looking at.
Look at the object as if you were seeing it for the first time and notice everything about it.
Relax into your observation and connect with energy around you in the moment.
Mindful immersion: this means paying close attention to whatever it is you are doing. If swimming pay attention to the temperature of the water, the way your muscles feel as you move, the feel of the water etc.
There are lots of benefits to learning to meditate. Click the pic to find out what they are!
Learn to meditate with this easy app. Click the pic for more info.

This app has a 12 step program for learning how to meditate. Click the pic for more info.

Mindful appreciation: this activity asks you to think of five things (objects or people) you are grateful for from your day. This could be your bike and how it gets you to school or gives you freedom and independence; the barista who makes your coffee; the internet that connects you with your interests; or, the coach who helps you get better at what you love.