living well
We all know that eating well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are the basics of a healthy body and brain. But with so much information out there it can be confusing to know what's useful and what's a fad. This page offers lots of resources for you to try so you can streamline good health and make it part of your everyday habits.
Balanced eating: There are lots of ways to eat well with the basics being around less processed food and more fresh food. Click the pic for the Australian governments healthy eating guide
Getting enough quality sleep is vital for your ability to do all the things you want to do. Watch the video here to get a better idea of sleep and your brain

There are lots of ways to get some exercise both incidental (the exercise you get just by doing you're usual daily activities) and deliberate (training, going to the gym etc.). All of it adds up to keeping you healthy and engaged which is good for both body and mind.
Exercising isn't everyone's idea of fun but there are ways to motivate yourself to get some activity in even if you hate the idea of it. Click on the pic above for some ideas
Like most things, it is possible to overdo the amount of exercise your doing. Check in here to make sure you're being safe.
5 ways to get in some exercise without really thinking about it.
With so much info on what to eat and how much to eat out there its easy to throw up your hands in frustration. For some sensible advice and info about eating well, click on the pic.
Just like you can think too much about exercise, you can also think too much about food. Click the pic above to learn more about eating disorders and what they're really about.

To develop a new habit the easiest way is to start really small and attach the activity to something you already do.
For example:
Goal: get stronger
Habit: do push ups everyday
Link to your routine: morning bathroom stop
So: every morning after you go to the bathroom you drop and do two push ups.
You can then build up the number of push ups you do as you get stronger.
Goal: get fitter
Habit: start walking every day
Link to your routine: catch bus to school
So: every morning you get off the bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way.
You can then choose to get off two stops early or get off one stop earlier in the afternoon as well as you get fitter.
Learning to cook means you can better control what you eat, as well as experiencing the joy of feeding others. Click here for some easy recipes to start with.
Only Human is an app to help you improve your overall wellbeing and features 365 short films to help do this. Click the pic for more info.
YOGA: if you haven't tried it a quick yoga flow each morning is a great way to start you day. Click the pic for a 5 minute sun salutation! Namaste!

REST: there are 7 types of rest we need to practice to ensure our good physical and mental health. Try each one to see how they make you feel.

Spending time with friends is an important part of life and living but it pays to have a safety plan if there is going to be alcohol around. Click the pic above for ideas about keeping safe while partying.

For a quick effective workout try this cardio kickboxing video. Just click the pic.

Need help going to sleep? Try listening to one of these Indigenous sleep stories.
Drinking alcohol is a generally acceptable social habit however getting drunk is not so great for you or those around you. Click here for tips on how to drink without things getting out of hand.

Boxing is an awesome workout for anyone. Click the pic for a 30 minute routine you can do at home.