thinking about thoughts
What we think has a significant impact on how we feel and what we do. Our thoughts influence our moods, the way we see the world and our place in it. Our thoughts also influence the way we feel about ourselves. This page gives you lots information on how to manage negative thoughts and how to build more helpful thinking habits.

When things don't go our way or something happens that we don't like, we can get "stuck" in thoughts that make us feel bad about ourselves or others. These thoughts can become a habit that trigger anger, aggression, depression, anxiety, or helplessness. Click the pic to learn about getting 'unstuck' from these thoughts.
Have a look at this video to get a better idea about thoughts and the way they can impact your feelings and behaviour.

We all make what are called "thinking errors" but when we make them too often or we aren't aware of them, they can impact our relationships, our access to opportunities and our overall success. Click here to the left to see what thinking errors you might be making.

Click on the pic to watch a video on some common thinking errors.
A lot of times we can get stuck thinking about things we wish we could change or wish had or hadn't happened. Trying to accept the reality of a situation can help you to move forward and find some peace. Click the pic below for info on radical acceptance.
Here's a video on how you can change your thoughts to become neutral or positive instead of negative

When negative thoughts persist we sometimes have to challenge them to gain some control over what we're thinking. Click the pic above for tips on how to do this.

We spend a lot of time inside our heads. Watch this video to find out ways to help make sure your head is a good place to be

The beliefs you have about yourself can really limit your opportunities for success socially, academically and into your future. This app - Thinkladder - can help you to challenge any limiting beliefs you have about yourself. Click here for more info.
Quirk CBT is an app that helps you to challenge and change your negative automatic thoughts about yourself, the world, and your place in it. Click the pic for more info on what the app does.
The Happify app is has games and science backed activities to help you beat stress and negative thinking. Click above for more.