school and you
The older you get the more responsibilities you have - school, work, sport, friends, family etc. - and it can be difficult to keep track of everything you have to do and when you have to do it.
Not being organised means you can become overwhelmed, stressed and freaked out, BUT, being organised means you can work smarter not harder and get more of what you want into your day.
If you're more into tech - try this app by clicking the pic.
For tips on dealing with exam stress, click on the pic!

Need to learn to prioritise what has to get done? Click below for some tips.

There are lots of ways to get organised. Click the pic and watch the video to see if a "to do" list suits your style
What if I fail something? Not doing well in an exam, assignment or assessment can kill your confidence but failing doesn't mean you're a failure. Click the pic to find out more about coming back from a bad mark.
10 things to do to help get stuff done before your head explodes

Are you a Procrastinator?
Procrastination is extremely common.
75% of students consider themselves
procrastinators, with 50% doing so
regularly and to a level that is considered problematic. Research suggests procrastination is about avoiding difficult feelings, like boredom, the anxiety that comes from perfectionism, and fear of failure. For info and ideas on how to stop procrastinating click the pic.

Looking for casual work? Click the pic for help on writing a resume.
What if you want to leave school? School isn't for everyone and while you legally need to be at school until Year 10. Having a plan for after is important. Click the pic for more info or ask our Careers staff for advice.