Relationships and belonging are the most important things for your wellbeing. Friends, family, romantic partners are vital for helping you to feel seen, valued, loved and respected.
But sometimes relationships can be difficult, sometimes they can be toxic and sometimes they need to end. This page will help you build good relationships and know when to end them.

While we all want to fit in, we also need to be able to say no. Click above to read about peer pressure and what to do about it.
It's not always easy to know if you're in an abusive relationship or what to do. Click here for info on
warning signs and how to get help.

Making friends can be tricky but here's why its worth the effort and tips on how to do it. Just click the pic
Respect is the foundation of our relationships. Find out what it is and what it looks like when you give and receive it by clicking the pic above.
Disagreements happen but they don't have involve getting nasty. Click on the pic above to learn how to fight fair

Feeling lonely is like any other feeling in that it gives us information about what's happening in our lives. If loneliness is something you worry about click the pic for more info.

Breakup Shakeup: an app for working through a relationship breakup

In even the best relationships difficult conversations will come up. Click here to learn how to have them without things getting out of hand

Not all relationships last, but there are ways to end them that leave everyone involved okay. Click above to find out how.
An app for helping you to have good relationships with friends, family and others
Part of becoming older can mean wanting to become more independent and make more of your own decisions, but this can also mean more arguments with people at home. Learning to argue fairly can help keep family relationships on track. Click here for advice.
For some people, home is not always a safe place to be. Click the pic below for ways to keep yourself safe and where to seek support.
Feel like you're not being heard at home? Click here for tips on how to get your parents/carers to listen to you.

Sometimes the people we decide to hang out with are not the kind of friends we really need. Click below for how to spot a toxic friendship.


If you want to know more about why we gossip, click the pic below.

Gossip and drama: is also known as relational aggression and is a form of bullying that is subtle and can fly under the radar of adults.
Common signs of relational bullying are:
Non-verbal communication (i.e., eye rolling, sighing, staring, or scowling)
Exclusion or ostracizing based on culture, attire, interest, ect.
Ceasing communication, ignoring, or giving the silent treatment
Creating cliques
Threats to end the friendship or relationship if X does not happen
Spreading rumors, gossiping, or sharing confidential information
Intimidating others
Excluding or removing a person from a group chat, server, or activity
Deliberately whispering loud enough so the person can hear